It is unbelievable, that after what feels more like a lifetime than a year, 3 residencies, 2 countries, countless applications, successes, failures, we prepare to open and share what we have created with you. Continuing to collaborate with Miguel Gutierrez and this band of talented creators has come or created a moment of great searching and growth and I’m so very thankful this mad world is resisted in these rooms of mad love.
Opens Jan 9th as part of American Realness 2019 at the Chocolate Factory
In This Bridge Called My Ass six Latinx performers – Alvaro Gonzalez, John Gutierrez, Miguel Gutierrez, Xandra Ibarra, Nibia Pastrana Santiago, and Evelyn Sanchez Narvaez – map an elusive choreography of obsessive and perverse action within an unstable terrain of bodies, materials and sound. A formal logic binds the group and propels them to create a constantly transforming world where their togetherness retains autonomy to complicate the idea of identity. Clichéd Latin-American songs and the form of the telenovela are exploited to show how familiar structures contain absurdity that reveal and celebrate difference.
Grab tickets HERE! <—-Update we are SOLD OUT but there will be a waitlist nightly beginning at 7:15 so be there early and get in! We have a limited and strict capacity so get on in here early all!
And check us out in the SUNDAY NY TIMES where Gia Kourlas chatted with Miguel Gutierrez and I about our mad process and snuck in to see what we’ve been up to. It is always such a gift to be seen, and properly quoted no less.