A continued delving into the sensory worlds created for Potted Palm V.1, the artist returns to the studio to expand on the evolving relationship with an increasingly distant memory of home.
I Am A Potted Palm V. 2 , Saturday, June 24th @ 8:40p
Edge Zone as part of Miami Performance International Festival.
In the wake of this invitation to perform in my home town, which I have never done, brought into relief the extent to which my recent practice has worked to create a memory phantom of this place that made me. Using this place ness from which to reimagine what it means to feel estranged from that which held my families exiled past. A work created to both conjure and harmonize what it had meant to be so far so long, now returns to it’s place of birth and it’s fertile bone yard.
For more info on Miami Performance International Festival check out their site www.miamiperformancefestival.org