The Ladies Almanack is the first feature film based on a novel by the rebellious and brilliant Djuna Barnes. Still in production, this massive no-budget project takes on the voices of women into an ecstatic plane inhabited by a mulit-generational cast brings the poetics of the past into the collage of the present. As producer and art director I have been working with director Daviel Shy since the projects inception, from recording our iconic narrators like Hélèn Cixous and Eilleen Myles, to location scouting in our sister films sister cities Paris and Chicago, cutting teasers, writing grants and hosting fundraising + reading events along the way. And now we are headed your way New York!
J U S T F O R Y O U!!!
To entice you I have a limited offer for donations made before Feb 25th who contact us with a confirmation number from donation will be eligible to receive:
- $100 will receive an artwork by me in the form of a limited edition publication, original short video or art object, mail art. (10 available)
- $200 will receive an ART PACKET from me including an art created FOR YOU as well as a surprise piece from a participating artist from the film or myself. (10 available)
- $500 will receive an original work created FOR YOU BY ME in the form of performance or film/video/installation piece. (NY/CHI/PARIS ONLY for LIVE - All other locations can be streaming or performance for video only) (5 available)
- $1000 will receive an original multisensory performance work created FOR YOU BY ME and up to 3 friends, 4 total. (NY/CHI ONLY) (5 available)
- $1500 will receive an original multisensory performance work created FOR YOU BY ME and up to 7 friends, 8 total. (NY/CHI ONLY) (5 available)
- $2000 will receive an original multisensory performance work created FOR YOU BY ME for an audience of your choosing + a select couple of limited edition publications/object works/videos. (3 available)
And you can DONATE HERE (tax-deductible thanks to Filmmakers Alliance) to help support this cast and crew, we even have a list of other ways to CONTRIBUTE!
We even have our own custom tarot deck, being created by the brilliant Jessica LeMaster, for sale HERE!
That's ME as in my cameo role as Mercedes d'Acosta, aka the SUN! You can see my profile and all our contributors HERE with a new one every Tuesday!
The Ladies Almanack - As a multidisciplinary artist the question of "What is it you DO?" comes up a lot, there's a lot of questions about primary disciplines, focuses, desire for narrowing is common. I on the other hand, though sorry for the confusion, feel that my process has finally found it's proper place at the center of many intersecting lines. The Ladies Almanack found me at the intersections of cinema, historical fictions, feminist theory, collage, poetry, and Paris.